Open Tabs No 1

This week in Open Tabs.

Posted by Holger Reinhardt    on August 29, 2016 in Dev tagged with General, Reading List, Culture

This week in Open Tabs is my new weekly column to share the list of links I have (or had) open in my browser tabs to read during this week.

I was looking for a format to easily share these with the larger developer and business community here at Haufe, but it might also be of interest to others. My goal is not to be comprehensive or most up to date, but to provide a cross section of the topics I find interesting and worth investing my time in.

Depending on the week you might find some interesting links or nothing at all. And that is ok. I might even include some stories from the trenches or decide that they warrant a separate column. That is ok too. I might even include links I collected in Evernote as reference material for the future. I am sure you don’t mind that, or? The only constrain I would like to set myself is that it should be only the material of a single week. Not more and not less.

So without much ado, here is the first Open Tabs editions for the week of August 29th.


Now I just need to find the time to read them. :)

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