
Stories from our Development Team

Treating our Content as Code

What DevOps and CI/CD can teach us about content publishing.

Kubernetes persistence options [updated]

Spoilt for choice

Automated Testing - A perspective

A primer on automated testing

Haufe Summer Practice 2017

First steps into the real IT World

Angular vs. React - A comparison

Similarities and differences between React and Angular

Home Automation with TP-Link HS 100 plug

IoT, Raspberry PI and Amazon Lambda

Summer Work Practice

Let's pipeline the tech story too

Using fluentd with multiple log targets

Forward log messages to multiple (Azure) targets with FluentD

Blue-Green Deployment on Azure with Zero Downtime

How the Aurora team manages their Kubernetes deployments

Immutable Infrastructure and CI/CD with Jenkins, Docker and Kubernetes

State of Kubernetes on Azure - Part II

Assessment of the Azure Container Service regarding Kubernetes support

The CTO Corner No 8

This is the stuff I am reading about.

Building our first Chatbot

Coding our way to the Haufe-Akademy thanks to a Hackathon

State of Data - Strata 2017 perspective

Impressions from Strata Data 2017 in London

Building a serverless web app

Serverless single page apps with AWS, React and Redux

Serverless with AWS at DevTalks

How the new world is looking with Cloud Native Apps and Serverless Mindset

Creating an acs-engine runtime docker image

How to enable using acs-engine in build pipelines

Installing Kubernetes using ACS Engine in Azure Germany

Open Tabs No 7

Catching up on readings from the last 6 months.

Keeping our Azure Cloud Tidy - Part 2

Monitoring a docker environment using TICK stack

Get live metrics of your running containers and docker hosts in a rancher environment

Docker-Machine vs Firewall

A short diary of our investigation of a docker-machine issue.

Keeping our Azure Cloud Tidy - Part 1

State of Kubernetes on Azure

Assessment of the Azure Container Service regarding Kubernetes support

Lessons Learned from the Haufe Dev Microservices Architecture Day

Updates in wicked 0.11.0

Enabling alternative deployment orchestrations

Microservices day wrap up

Using HALBuilder with german characters

How to make sure that umlauts are properly displayed 0.10.0 released

Release Notes and Hints

SCS - Self-Contained Systems

Thoughts about Self-Contained Systems architecture pattern

Two factor authentication with Windows Hello and Google Authenticator

Exploring new ways to make customer login more secure

Open Tabs No 6

On Makers, Microservices, and Balanced Teams.

Project - B#1

Insights from the Freiburg Hackathon - New online Queue Management in Bürgeramt

Open Tabs No 5

On Innovation, Emerging Technology and a Hitchhikers Guide to APIs.

Azure Active Directory and Authentication the Cloud Way

Open Tabs No 4

On Microservice Benefits, API Design and Offline-first Mobile Apps.


Why we wrote our own Open Source API Management Stack based on Mashape Kong and node.js.

Open Tabs No 3

This week in Open Tabs.

Open Tabs No 2

This week in Open Tabs.

Building a Highly-Available PostgreSQL Cluster on Azure

Open Tabs No 1

This week in Open Tabs.

Summary of PayPal InnerSource Summit, 2016

Summary of the PayPal InnerSource Summit in London.

The state of our API Strategy

From a response to a sales call by an API Management vendor.

Summer Internship @Haufe

An experience that greatly helped me to improve myself

Build an Eloqua Action Service and make it Open-Source

A node.js Primer for us Old School Developers

Things in node.js that caught me on the wrong foot when I saw them the first time

Summary of QCon New York, 2016

Impressions, links and summaries of QCon New York

DevOps Day and Meetup @Haufe on June 1st, 2016

A full day of talks on continuous delivery, test automation, Docker, cloud and much more

Rocket.Chat Integrations

How to integrate social media and other information streams into your Rocket.Chat instance via Webhooks

Software Architecture Day Timisoara on May 18th, 2016

Architecture Strategies for Modern Web Applications

Secure Internet Access to an On-Premise API

Connect an ASP.NET identity to an on-premise API login identity, then relay all requests through the Azure Service Bus

IRC and the Age of Chatops

How developer culture, devops and ux are influenced by the renaisance of IRC

How to use an On-Premise Identity Server in ASP.NET

Log in to an ASP.NET application with ADFS identity and check membership in specific groups

API Management Components

What's inside that API Management box?

SAP CodeJam on May 12th, 2016

Calling all SAP ABAP Developer in Freiburg area

Generating Swagger from your API

How to quickly generate the swagger documentation from your existing API.

CQRS, Eventsourcing and DDD

Notes from Greg Young's CQRS course

The Automated Monolith

Build, Deploy and Testing using Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Machine, and Azure

Extending On-Premise Products With Mobile Apps - Part 2

Creating a Single Page App using Apache Cordova and AngularJS

Being a Microservice or Cattle over pets

A personal recap on QCon 2016

Securing Backend Services behind Azure API Management

Different approaches to securing API implementations

Extending On-Premise Products With Mobile Apps - Part 1

Modernizing on-premise application using Azure Service Bus Relay

Providing Secure File Storage through Azure API Management

Shared Access Signatures with Azure Storage

Better Log Parsing with Fluentd

Description of a couple of approaches to designing your fluentd configuration.

Log Aggregation with Fluentd, Elasticsearch and Kibana

Introduction to log aggregation using Fluentd, Elasticsearch and Kibana

Using 'Let's Encrypt' Certificates with Azure

Create free valid SSL certificates in 20 minutes.

Impressions from DockerCon 2015 - Part 2

Highlights and picks from DockerCon 2015

APIdays Paris - From Philosophy to Technology and back again

A biased report from APIdays Global in Paris

DevOpsCon 2015 - Is it really about the tools?

My opinionated findings from DevOpsCon 2015 in Munich

Impressions from DockerCon 2015 - Part 1

Insights, Outlooks and Inbetweens

Impressions from DevOpsCon 2015

Notes from DevOpsCon 2015

The beginnings of our API Journey

Intro to our API Style Guide

OSCON Europe 2015

Notes from OSCON Europe 2015

We are live or How to start a developer blog

Why culture is my most important focus as CTO